Ministry Prayer Focus

Prayer - Devote Yourselves

Leadership and Staff

Wisdom and Guidance: Pray for the leaders to make wise decisions.
Strength and Endurance: Ask for strength and perseverance for the staff as they carry out their duties.
Unity and Collaboration: Pray for a spirit of unity and effective teamwork among all members. Protection and Safety: Pray for the safety and protection of all individuals involved.

Resources and Funding

Provision: Pray for the necessary resources and funding to continue the organization’s work.
Stewardship: Ask for wisdom in managing and allocating resources effectively.
Generosity: Pray for the hearts of donors and supporters to be moved to give generously.

Impact and Outreach

Effectiveness: Pray that the organization’s programs and initiatives are effective and impactful.
Expansion: Ask for opportunities to expand the reach and influence of the organization.
Partnerships: Pray for strong and fruitful partnerships with other organizations and communities.

Vision and Mission

Clarity: Pray for a clear vision and mission that guides the organization.
Alignment: Ask for alignment of all activities and efforts with the organization’s core values and goals.
Inspiration: Pray for inspiration and creativity in pursuing the organization’s mission.